Why are my car seats not made so that they are more comfortable?
Resultative Adjectives – Indicate the resulting state of the action taken
Adverbs of Manner – Express how an action occurs
Adverbs for Manner – Compare positioning of adverbs
Get Passives – Express having something done or managing its completion
Cause & Effect Overview – Express cause and effect relationships
- Azar, Betty Schrampfer, and Stacy A. Hagen. "Other Ways of Expressing Cause and Effect: Such That and So That." Understanding and Using English Grammar. 4th ed., Pearson Education, 2009. 19-4.
- Huddleston, Rodney D., and Geoffrey K. Pullum. "Classification of Verbs Taking Predicate Compliments." The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language. Cambridge UP, 2002. 5 § 5.4 Class 4 Verbs. (p. 265)
- Murphy, Raymond. "To, For, So That." English Grammar in Use. 5th ed., Cambridge UP. 2019. Unit 64.
- Swan, Michael. "Adjective and Noun Complements." Practical English Usage. 3rd ed., Oxford UP, 2005. 367. § 606.1.
- ——— "Passive Structures." § 606.6.
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